It can be easy to forget about enjoying ourselves when there are other responsibilities, we need to take care of. However, it can be difficult to justify adding joy to our busy schedules for our benefit. Having fun can be time-consuming, expensive, and sometimes disappointing – and if you want to do something and no one else is interested, you might end up missing out anyway.
It doesn’t have to be that way, though. It’s essential for you to have happiness in your life – whether it’s having a day out at the races or having the time to dedicate yourself to a hobby. If you’re stuck in a rut, or you want to add something new to your free time, here’s how you can have more fun in your life.
Add fun to your schedule
It’s unlikely that something will happen if you don’t schedule it. So, if you want to have fun, then you have to plan for it. This is important for your productivity, too – you’re less likely to procrastinate if you have something scheduled.
You can also add a fun minimum. You could, for example, say that you can do a fun activity for at least half an hour every day. You could also put aside one day a week where you will have a minimum of two hours of fun or devote at least two weeks a year to this.
Decide what you think is fun
Have you forgotten what you like to do, or even feel like you have outgrown what you liked to do before and haven’t identified something new that you would enjoy? If so, then you should create a list of activities you loved as a child and highlight those that still sound good. Then search online for ‘fun things for adults’ and take note of the ones that seem the most interesting.
It might be that you liked watching musicals as a child, or it’s something you want to explore now as an adult. You could then look for shows on sites such as
Ticket Sales and buy tickets for a performance that you want to try out.
Rediscover your yard
If you only go to your backyard to take out the trash, then it’s time to stop that. You can do activities in your own garden, such as having a family picnic and playing a game of Frisbee – it’ll be like having a mini-vacation on a weekday. You could even camp in your yard: get a tent, build a fire, and go stargazing. Then make a cup of morning coffee on an open fire.
Be a tourist at home
Your hometown stops being interesting once you’ve lived there for a while, and it just becomes somewhere to get your car serviced or to buy groceries. So, take time to treat it like a new destination instead.
You can try out the local landmarks for the day, or over a few weekends, and take a tour of those nearby notable attractions, head for the local museums, as well as outdoor collections and other unique places of interest.