The connection between social media and horse racing is interesting and has changed our everyday lives.
The story of how social media changed our everyday lives is an interesting one. Today, we use social media profiles for several hours a day, scrolling through photos, videos, news, and other content of our interest. Social media has transformed the way we acquire information, and this can best be described through the impact it had on horse racing and professional sports in general.
Internet vs. Television
It first started with the rising popularity of the internet. Sports organizations and teams were able to create dedicated websites and post updates without having to rely on the TV and newspaper. Many independent websites share content about horse racing, like Turf ‘n’ Sport, The Jockey Club, and America’s Best Racing, to name a few.
Then came Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and the ball started rolling. Today, sports teams and athletes can connect with fans through these platforms more easily. Although a large portion of the population still watches games and horse races on TV, the infographic below by Betting Sites shows that over 60% of people follow sports online.
The TV started to feel the blow, as large media houses like ESPN and Sky Sports saw a significant decrease in their rankings.
The Monetary Impact of Social Media
How powerful social media are can be projected through money figures. It is essential to understand that professional clubs saw social media as a great way to showcase their merchandise.
Famous soccer teams see a $10 value for each of their followers, and organizations like Real Madrid and Barcelona have hundreds of millions of them.
Horse racing world is looking to capitalize on this as well. While this sport is not as popular as soccer, football, or basketball, it could still use the same social media tactics to boost fans engagement.
There’s still room for improvement, as studies conducted in 2018 show that horse racing organizations need to invest more money in social media campaigns and make more mobile-engaging content. There’s also a need for capturing demographics and other fan data that could create better strategies in the future.
What Are The Best Social Media Platforms for Promoting Horse Racing?
As far as the video content goes, YouTube seems to draw the most attention. Dedicated YouTube channels are filled with highlight videos from different sports, interviews, and other footage.
However, it seems that Facebook is the most popular when it comes to horse racing discussions. Sports journalists are mostly followed through Twitter where they post the latest news and announcements. The same goes for athletes, although their personal Instagram profiles gain more followers.
The appearance of social media influenced the entire world of professional sports. While horse racing is still adapting to this newly created landscape, it is no doubt that it will draw more attention with proper social media campaigns.
To learn more details about the impact of social media on sports, check out the detailed infographic below and tell us what you think.